The flavanoid catechin and caffeine in green tea have positive effects on fat metabolism. Research shows that when you increase the amount of catechins in the diet, the body’s energy expenditure increases and reduces fat, especially in the waist area. In an 8-week study on overweight women in Brazil, it was found that those who consumed green tea, especially with exercise, had higher basal metabolic rate, lean body weight and muscle strength than those who did not drink green tea, and also significantly reduced abdominal fat.
Thanks to its antioxidant properties, drinking 1-2 cups of green tea every day protects against heart diseases and cancer, regulates blood pressure and delays aging.
A handful of almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts consumed in snacks not only suppress the feeling of hunger, but also activate the metabolism. Almonds increase bowel movements due to their high fiber content. Hazelnuts, which are heart-friendly, relieve body and mind fatigue. Walnuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, give vitality and increase your perception level.
Avocado, which is one of the healthy fat sources, is also effective in giving a feeling of satiety thanks to its fibrous structure. It is a good source of L-carnitine, which accelerates fat burning metabolism. Research suggests that exercise burns unsaturated fats faster than saturated fats. This means that avocados, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, will burn faster than the saturated fat found in red meat.
Spices do not have a long-term metabolism boosting effect like exercise, but they have an instant effect. Studies show that meals with spices such as cinnamon, thyme, black pepper, red pepper flakes, turmeric, etc. increase metabolism by about 8%. In a study conducted in Canada, it was observed that people who consumed more spices in their meals could burn up to 1000 calories more than other people during the day. However, in cases such as reflux, gastritis, heartburn, individuals should stay away from excessively spicy foods.
A good source of zinc and vitamin C, quince is a fruit with a very high fiber content. Quince is one of the rare fruits containing limonoids, catechin, epicatechin and different kinds of phytochemicals, which accelerates metabolism when consumed in season. Thanks to the iron, copper and zinc minerals naturally present in it, it revitalizes the circulatory system and supports the slimming process.

The metabolic effect of calcium in yogurt is known to be effective in weight loss. In a study conducted in Korea, adults who consumed more than 2 servings of dairy products per day had a lower incidence of obesity than those who consumed 1 serving per month. Calcium taken in the diet rather than as a supplement is much more effective on obesity. In women, the effect of calcium on reducing body fat weight has been found to be more pronounced than in men.
The reason for this is associated with sex hormones (4). Especially prebiotic yogurt relaxes the intestines, regulates the digestive system and makes your metabolism work better. 1-2 bowls of yogurt a day can be consumed in snacks or after sports by adding spices such as mint, thyme or oily seeds such as walnuts and almonds.
Coffee has a stimulating effect on metabolism due to its caffeine content. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, caffeine in coffee was found to accelerate metabolism in both obese and healthy-weight individuals. However, the fat burning effect was found to be higher in those with a healthy weight. You can consume coffee as long as you pay attention to the amount and frequency during the day.
Broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable that contains vitamins C, A, K and calcium. A study conducted at the Institute of Food Research provides evidence that a diet rich in phytochemicals called glucosinolates can reorganize cellular processes that deteriorate over time. Since broccoli is rich in these compounds, it has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, improve and revitalize metabolism by lowering fatty acid levels in the blood. When cooking broccoli, care should be taken not to boil for a long time in order not to reduce glycosinolates.
Fruits such as oranges, tangerines and grapefruits are especially effective in boosting metabolism, which slows down in winter. They slow down fat absorption with the pectin they contain and strengthen immunity thanks to vitamin C. Especially grapefruit helps to control appetite and helps to lose weight.
Whole grains contain complex carbohydrates that boost metabolism by stabilizing insulin levels. Whole grain foods also provide our body with the necessary energy for a long time. Because of their high fiber content and low glycemic index, including products made with whole wheat flour in your diet will make you feel full. Quinoa and buckwheat, especially vegetarian favorites, are good sources of protein, iron, magnesium and manganese.
Beans, chickpeas, green lentils, soybeans, fava beans, broad beans and kidney beans are foods that contain vegetable protein and are rich in iron. Compared to meat, they are lower in fat and less likely to raise blood sugar levels. Soy is also rich in an enzyme called choline, which accelerates the elimination of fat from the liver.